KETIL HAUGSAND, professor emeritus of harpsichord from the Hochschule für Musik in Cologne, counts as one of the important harpsichordists and Early Music personalities of today - appeared in several prestigious festivals and concert series in most European countries, U.S.A., Israel, Russia, Korea and Japan, both as recitalist, in chamber music, soloist, or conductor from the harpsichord, with the Norwegian Baroque Orchestra, the Norwegian Radio Orchestra, the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra, Lyra Baroque Orchestra, the Arte Real Ensemble and at the Komischer Oper Berlin. Important chamber music partners have been i.e., Laurence Dreyfus, Wieland Kuijken, Peter Holtslag and several others.

His recordings on CD with works by Jean-Babtiste Antoine Forqueray, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Louis Marchand, Carlos Seixas, João Sousa Carvalho and others, for Simax Classics, Virgin Veritas and Linn Records won significant international acclaim - and his interpretations of the Clavierübungen by J.S. Bach, especially the Goldberg Variations, have been singled out as highly original and outstanding landmark performances. Released on Simax Classics were the six English Suites by Bach and a complete recording of Jean-Philippe Rameau's Pieces de Clavecin.

The Norwegian born musician studied with Gustav Leonhardt at the Amsterdam Conservatory, where he was awarded the coveted Prix d'Excellence in 1975. Later he was laureate at international harpsichord competitions in Paris and Brûges and held position as harpsichord and chamber music professor at the Norwegian State Academy of Music, in Oslo, between 1974 and 1995.

Prof. Haugsand is a highly demanded harpsichord teacher, one of the most experienced in the academic field, gives regularly summer courses in Norway and Italy - and was frequently invited as jury member at international harpsichord competitions.